First steps using the FSUIPC SDK

Found some time to pick-up where I left off last time; downloading the FSUIPC SDK 🙂 . Full stop. 😀

Basically I created two projects in Eclipse:

  • “FSUIPC_SDK” holding all the required source code to interface with FSUIPC, including some basic functions to extract and write data to the simulator.
  • “FSUIPC_SDK_TEST” to get some immediate feedback if I could get the sample code provided in “FSUIPC_SDK” to work.

Struggled for a few minutes (read ‘almost half an hour’) on how to load the java_fsuipc.dll in Eclipse, but luckily the world wide web offers good responses: the easiest way was to just put it in JAVA_HOME/bin (e.g. C:\Program Files (x86)\Java\jre1.8.0_101\bin)

Note: the dll supplied with the Java SDK is build for an x86 architecture, so make sure to also build the application in a 32-bit environment (or re-build the dll for a 64-bit environment).

Launched P3D. Started a default flight. Launched the test program. Suspense…
Got totally excited when the first data flight simulator data came on-screen!

A good start! 🙂

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