It’s been a while since I last played with Arduino. Well, now that my 7-segment displays have arrived (and it’s getting too hot for me outside): playtime! Rather than buying pre-configured sets, I wanted to get back to the ‘basics’ to better understand how this works by bringing all components together myself. Later on I …
I’m back
It’s been a while since my last post… Actually it’s over a year since my last post. Why? I’ve been busy with all kinds of things in and around the house that make my children and wife happy, so that got priority 🙂 At the moment I’m investing some time in a 3D CAD/CAM tool. …
Humidity of the basement
The basement often smells a bit ‘humid’. To get a better idea of the exact degree of humidity, I want to perform continuous measurements during an entire year. Hopefully this will give me some insights about this ‘problem’. Based on the results I will: do nothing start an automated ventilation project start an automated ventilation …
RTC test
Never worked with it before, so time to give it a try. I will use it in a future project where I need to log sensor readings on an SD card. The code below will read the date/time from the DS1307 RTC module. /* Check current RTC value. Created this to verify if the clock …
Control a servo
Once more time for a POC. Well, a lot of people have proven it works… but I just want to see it working with my own eyes: controlling a servo via Arduino. Final goal: use the servo to move parts of analog cockpit gauges (e.g. attitude indicator). A servo typically has three wires: red: power …
Blade 130S
My Blade 130x helicopter its gears are worn out, which causes the rear rotor gears to slip in full flight… Scary stuff! While waiting the delivery of full metal gears, I got myself the new Blade 130S helicopter. Just did a test flight. Wow! Flies very well and stable for such a small thing. Definitely …
First WPF application
In the past months I’ve spent many late hours reading books about WPF applications and how to build them. Now, the first home-made user control is a fact: the CDU/FMS. No logic behind yet, just a nice UI 🙂 .
Button matrix
For the past weekends I started thinking about how to implement the FMS. There are two things to solve: MilViz its KA350i does not provide any external interface with the FMS. The only thing that is there is the FMS panel as part of the VC, and the FMS as 2D panel. The PL21 FMS …
Happy birthday
It took a few weeks (as each item is built on demand), but finally it has arrived: the MFG Crosswind!! Again one step closer to elevated FS realism! More information about this beauty can be found on First impression? Wow! Arguably the best value in rudder pedals currently available to flight sim enthusiasts outside …
New jet in my hangar: Cessna Citation X
I wanted to have a very fast private jet in my fleet, so I purchased the Cessna Citation X (Eaglesoft DG). Unfortunately I had a few problems to get this beauty working: Throttle levers seemed to be stuck. None of the avionics are working. Instead a static image appeared on each screen. REX WX Advantage …